Emmanuel church is located in the heart of Holloway, just behind the Nag’s Head shopping centre, on the busy Hornsey Road. We love our community and seek to serve it.


On the 1st Saturday of every month, we show a classic film at noon. Free burgers, hot-dogs & popcorn are provided and all are welcome! Our Kids Film Club takes place from 10am.

April 5th: The grand budapest hotel

The Kids Film in APRIL is the CROODS

SALon concerts

Salon Concert, Emmanuel Church, Friday March 14th, 7pm

Our salon concert series began in September 2019…

…as a partnership between Emmanuel Church and local musicians. The concerts feature world music from a range of cultures, and have a strong community feel - we share food together following the performance.

You can get a taste of what the concerts are like from this article written following January 2020’s Salon.