Children & Families are such a big part of our community. Through our programmes your kids will engage with God's word and develop an expectation that they too can hear from God. We spend time investing in our Kids Team who are fully equipped to ensure your child is having fun while growing in their love and knowledge of Jesus.



At the moment, during our Sunday services, children stay in for the whole of the service. We hope to resume our Sunday children’s group soon.

Little Emms

Little Emms is a safe but fun space for your little one(s) to play while you enjoy a coffee. It's totally free to come along, but there is a suggested donation for drinks & croissants. There's also a free fruit snack for each kid!

Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30


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Lets face it, if you're looking after kids in London, chances are you're pretty busy. And while there's a coffee shop on every street corner, it can be hard to find a place where you can enjoy a decent coffee with space for your little one(s) to play. We hear ya, and we feel the same, that's why we started Little Emms. For people like you.


If good coffee's your thing then you'll be pleased to know we go the extra mile to source good quality coffee beans to make sure your brew is top notch! We also serve Tea and croissants.  


Healthy snacks

There's all sorts for your child to do at Little Emms, places to play, things to colour and draw,  as well as helping tidy away the toys at the end! Your child's health is important too, thats why each child get a free healthy snack!

 kids’ film club

On the 1st Saturday of the month, a kids’ friendly film plays at 10am (before our classic film club at noon).

APril 5th the croods

We are grateful to funding received from the arsenal foundation in support of our running of the film club!

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acting academy

Emmanuel’s Acting Academy began in autumn 2018 and meets on the first Friday of every month at 6pm.


We hope to resume Acting Academy soon. Please visit the website for updates.